July 10, 2007

  • David Girard Vineyard in Placerville, Ca.


    I decided to edit this and give a beginning and end to the experience I had shooting this wedding…


    Ronan Title2.jpg 

    Chris & Melissa were married at the very beautiful David Girard Vineyard last month. What a beautiful spot for a lovely wedding day. They have a great staff and the people who own this place are just the nicest down to earth people! When we arrived we pulled of the road to enter the gates. We could see immediately how expansive this vineyard is. We spotted the long white reception tent set back and sitting at the top of the first hilltop. It is the first thing that greets you as you motor up their long curved drive which gives you the feeling of getting off the beaten road. After visiting the tent site we then drove down the backside of the hilltop to see the most sweetest, peaceful lake that lies in the valley of the vineyard. 

    From this lake there are two roads that flank either side. One rambles to the right and up again to another hilltop and to one of their two wedding sites. The other grades down and to the left taking you to the wine tasting room and the other wedding site beyond.

    The wine tasting room has a very custom looking atmosphere. Dark woods with clean lines and lots of window light. Very inviting. I would love to stop by on a lazy afternoon and sit out under one of their clean white umbrellas and sip one of their wines which I have yet to do. No sipping while we are working! haha

    Behind the wine tasting room is another road that follows up to a bluff that is becoming the second wedding spot. It has an open grass area in the shape of a horseshoe that faces the valley on one side and on the other faces the hillside. The view from there is spectacular giving you an interior view of the vineyard.

    The wedding spot that Chris and Melissa chose was the one that traveled up to the right of the lake. When we turned the corner and saw this spot we smiled from ear to ear. This is a beautiful spot with gorgeous Tuscan columns. It is the one featured in the photo above. Since a picture paints a thousand words I think you get the idea. It sits atop a hill with the wooded hillside behind the colums that dips down to the lake below and the wine tasting room to the right of that.    

    The vineyard had so many choices of places for the adventurous photographer and bride and groom…especially if you have the freedom to follow the light!

    The columns at their chosen spot added to Melissa’s beautiful ivory dress with the sepia overlay lace. Her taste was impeccable throughout the wedding. Melissa chose a beautiful coppery brown from the earth and a brilliant shimmery blue from the sky. It is hard when you love black and white to turn any of these gorgeous photos B/W. How can you do that with this much color in the world? David Girard Vineyard had it all! Every shade of green and earth tone to anchor your eye and the blue skies to set them skyward. From the dark lake lying peacefully in the valley reflecting the tree line on the shore to the colorful flowers planted around the fountain.

    The David Girard Vineyard tasting room is reminicent of a European villa. The stucco clay colored building and wrought iron balcony gives it just the right feel of being transported. The colorfully planted fountain invites you further into the experience. It says, “Come this way there is more to come.” The wine tasting room is cozy and architecturally comfortable with clean lines reflecting the lines of a row of the most impossibly straight vine rows outside. It’s family owned and I  tend to believe this venue reflects their modern, Eurpopean, classic feel of their personalities. 

     When the Wedding Ceremony was concluded we made our way to the Reception Tent . The west facing walls were rolled up treating you to a feast of hills and valleys as far as the eye could see. As the sun began to set it splashed the vineyard with the most beautiful golden light and the mountains in the far background became a perfect silhouetted backdrop.  

    After the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars came out to play I drew away to get the full effect of the evening. The light from within the tent glowed a beautiful amber and the joy inside of laughter and dancing filled my ears I thanked God for such beauty and love and happiness. You dont forget moments like that! 


    (This is a picture Lindsay took back from the middle of the vineyard during their ceremony. We can’t wait to show the rest!)

Comments (22)

  • Beautiful picture, Lindsay!  I spy sunflowers in the wedding bouquets…one of my favorites.  Looking forward to seeing more of these pictures!!

  • Wonderful!!!

  • Oooh!! Nice job Lindsay…I hope they pay you well…:wink:

  • What a great place to get married. Can’t wait to see more!

  • Awesome!  It looks like a post card.  Can’t wait to see the slide show.


  • Love this shot!!

  • :lol: I love it that you got your dad sqatting down on the right behind the last row searching in his bag!

    Im looking forward to the web show, yours are always so wonderful to view!


  • Yeah Randy and how about the surprise videographer right up front! I am surprised you didnt notice him!

    We are hard at work on sorting through all the many many images we got as you can imagine with adding 4 more cameras to the mix and 2 more shooters. :eek:

    It is going to be beautiful!

    Thanks for the compliments it really made Lindsay’s day! Now both Brian and Lindsay have had featured shots!


  • :mad: Oh my I see him now on the right. What was that guy thinking??? Hope he did’nt ruin any more of your shots?

    He probally thinks he is going to be a Speilberg someday! Ha!!

  • the sun hitting the leaves in the foreground is beautiful! great composition, lindsay.

  • Beautiful photo, it’s so nice to see the natural elements of a place incorporated into a wedding’s photos, it’s definitely something I’m a sucker for! And your description of the sunset / evening makes me eagerly await more photos…


  • Hi Kerri, RE: yeah, we’ll see who I can get to shoot my wedding, I’d love to have SR shoot it but it all depends on how much money we can make by the date we decide to have the wedding, etc. (And most vendors need to be booked way in advance, anyway, like NOW for a 2008 wedding…) Right now we’re shooting for October 2008 + SR photography, but we’ll see. If we end up needing “dirt-cheap” or even “on the house”, I have people I can call lol… And “importing” photographers from the bay area is not out of the question, I know how cheap SWA tix are these days!

    The other thing is, it’s going to be a really conservative, small, low-budget wedding anyway, and I’d feel weird hiring a stranger who might not share our faith, or who might scoff at our low-budget-ness…

    Take care and thanks for your comments,

  • Ok, now I want to do a winery wedding….too bad I don’t live near any wineries that I know of?! I’ll trade your next winery wedding for a beautiful Charleston beach wedding?! Maybe? LOL.

    But I won’t trade the Middleton Plantation wedding I just posted about. Mmmm, southern beauty.

  • Hmm, okay, still waiting.  :p


  • fantastic photo photo! i love how the leaf around the image too! i cant wait to see more!

  • kerri, you are always way too kind in your comments. i’m just so thankful that God continues to give me opportunities to shoot! with these “nightfall” shots, i had just finished doing a family session in that community. before i headed off for home, i had to run a couple of errands in the area. by the time i got out of the store, it had gotten dark. on my way to the freeway, i drove by this spot again and noticed the lighthouse all lit up…of course i had to stop. i hope all is well with the lydell family these days. you must be very, very busy with post processing!

  • ha I love that photo. I agree now sipping while working. I WILL NOT COMPROMISE MY WORK!. I have the offer all the time.

  • Neat stories that you tell, that go along with the pictures. :goodjob:I’ll look forward to seeing the rest of them. Have a blessed weekend, Kerri…. {{{hugs}}} Carolyn :sunny:

  • Thanks for stopping by! Terrific photo by Lindsay. By the way, your grandson is so handsome.

  • I always thought a wedding at a winery would be amazing to shoot. That first shot by Lindsay proves it…what a great teaser pic…can’t wait to see the rest.

  • nice shot through the leaves… that is very cool!

  • awww…i wanna go there now! sounds so beautiful!

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