Month: February 2007

  • Babies are amazing….


    Jayden is one week old today is that possible!??

    sector 814932


    sector 1041620

    Film Grain look

    sector 1149460

    Mother’s kisses

    sector 1245844

    It is so easy to sit and stare at a baby for hours and
    they dont even have to do anything!

    sector 1563476

    Daddy’s boy!

    sector 1757460

    My Grandson!

    sector 1364436

    I am so grateful….


  • A Room With A View!


    Blue Sunset




    The view from Kelly’s living room window….This ridge is about a mile away from her window…I love watching the storm clouds and the rain roll by…. 


    Having fun with Picasa again! every once in a while I just want to do something wild and crazy so I pumped up the blue on this and well I just like looking at it! Can you guess which one of my crayons was the shortest when I was little?…lol!


  • Names for Grandparents



    If you were a grandparent what name would you use? I found this page when I was looking for names for Kerri and I to be called:


    Names for Grandparents

    With Baby Boomers becoming grandparents, the stodgy old codger and plump, cookie-baking white frizzy haired grandparents are getting a massive facelift. Tired of the old standbys of Granny, Grandma, Grandpa etc. today’s grandparents are coming up with new names in droves!

    The most common names for grandparents (at least in the USA):

    Bubbe, Nana, Grandma, Granny, Gran, Gram, Grammy, Papa, Grandpa, Granda, Granddad, Gramps

    We also have a page for Grandparents’ Names in other languages.

    There is also a long list of stories here by other people of what they are/were called and why. Too long to post here but a good and funny read…

    Here is the link

    Have a good day!!



    Jayden’s Home Coming!



    Bruno’s first look at his competition!



    The calls start coming!


    A sweet moment…


    Okay Dad…when did you sneak that one on??


    Oh! It’s G-Daddy! Can you save me from this burrito wrap?


    Ahhh thats much better!


    Oh now I can see everybody!


    Well Jayden, its getting dark out there so we are going to have to go home now…


    Good night sweet prince!


     Sweet dreams!

    Love G-mama



    As many of you know I had an “enhancement” surgery on my right eye yesterday to do a final correction on the surgeries I had before.  I had my left eye done in January and it is great – I am seeing 20/15 with that eye.  I had surgery done for “monovision” meaning that my left eye is corrected for distance and my right eye for reading. The amazing thing is your brain is able to fuse them together to give you good eyesight at almost any distance. (you need glasses for very closeup  reading…) 

    My right eye seems to be much better already. I won’t know the full results for at least a month, but I can see a difference already. before this, anything i saw with my right eye was just fuzzy. Now it’s like I’m looking out a dirty window, so as my eye heals that will become clearer.

    The good thing through all of this is that the diopter on my 5D allowed me to see clearly. (But I didn’t think it was appropriate to always use it for a pair of glasses..)

    So I am very excited and optimistic about this.  I’m looking forward to the next several weeks as my eye heals. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers.

    Here is a little something to make you laugh. Also, if you havent checked out the latest post by Randy. It’s a hoot!


    I think every woman in America wishes she could wake up every morning and have someone photoshop herself…






    I will try to get around to your sites soon!


  • Mark’s Second Surgery today….


    Last surgery for Mark!

    Mark is going in for his other eye today. He saw the EYE DOCTOR yesterday and it looks like the surgery he did to correct the over- correct worked! His PRK eye is now seeing distance at 20-25! But his other eye needs to be adjusted too because it was over corrected as well and that one was done for close up vision which he hasnt had for a year and a half! He has been able to adjust his diopter on his camera to get his jobs done but things like driving at night and reading have been truly disheartening. So today he will have the other eye done and within a month or so he will have the vision he has wanted for so long. Just in time for this years wedding season! Hoorah!!!

    We are so excited!


    Jayden Michael


    Dave and Kelly and Jayden are home and glad to be away from the hustle and bustle of a busy hospital and all the loud night time noises. Being in your own comnfortable bed is just the best! The picture of Dave sleeping in that little couch in the slideshow is just comical. But the poor guy did it all 3 nights they were there. He never left Kelly’s side to sleep at home. Before they left the hospital Jayden had to have a lavage to clean out the amniotic fluid in his lungs. Then he had to have his circumcision. Kelly cried when they took him. He is so little and to think of all that entailed it just made her cry…but he came back sleeping peacefully and she was able to nurse him before he slept all day!

    I am now looking at my poor house after being gone most of those 3 days. I’ll take Mark for his surgery at 1:15 then he will be home and in bed for the rest of the afternoon. I will be able to pick up the house and get some things done.



    Now we are looking forward to


     Wedding and Professional Portrait Photographers International

    Our big event for the year. A week in Vegas! We love going to the workshops and seminars that they have out there for our industry. We meet so many wonderful people. Many of whom we have gotten to know over Xanga and OSP. So during our week in Vegas I dont know how much I will be updating this unless we can find WIFI somewhere but honestly it is a PACKED week of events and speakers.

    Gonna call Kelly and see how Jayden made it through his first night home.

    God Bless you all!

    Love Kerri

  • Kimi won the Baby Contest ….


    Well now that the majorly exciting news has pretty much made it through to everyone I did want to post

    The winner of the “When Will Kelly have the Baby Contest!”
    Drum roll please!!!

    mother and child silhouette

    Congratulations to
    The Little Girl In Me-
    a.k.a Kimi!

    Kimi has been one of my longest  xanga friends on here. I met her when she was just getting to know her husband. They were online dating He in Albania and Kimi in the states! They finally met when she flew to meet Flory and his family. They were so in love that while she was there they decided to get married and they did! Surprising all of us back home! When she came home she came alone since Flory had to wait to get his papers in order to come to the US which was excrutiatingly long. We all prayed and prayed for them to be united again and finally the word came that he was coming! It was a thrilling ride to watch the whole thing unfold on Xanga. Now she has watched Dave and Kelly get married, get pregnant and have their baby Jayden.

    Kimi…thank you for being a good friend and congratulations and prayers for your son Daniel to make it to the Friendship Games in Holland! What an honor for him!! You all must be so proud! Go visit her and wish her well!!!

    Now to Thank all of you for your Love and Prayers! We are blessed beyond words for our friends and for our families and now for our new baby Jayden who has now taken his place in this world!

    May God bless and continue to watch over him.   


    Slideshow below!


    OK – here is the slideshow from yesterday!! 


    Dad called with a song he wanted to use – it’s one of his favorite songs and he was overcome today when he heard it in his car.


    I’m off to the hospital to see Jayden again and to bring the slideshow for Mommy & Daddy to watch.


    We’ll be back home later!



    So, Jayden – here is the first of many slideshows!!! I know everone feels like this, but seriously, this IS the cutest baby!


    Jayden Michael Bruni Arrives!!

    JaydenBirth-022007 232.jpg


    JaydenBirth-022007 189.jpgJaydenBirth-022007 202.jpg  

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     JaydenBirth-022007 258.jpg 

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    JaydenBirth-022007 385.jpg 

    JaydenBirth-022007 388.jpg 

    JaydenBirth-022007 389.jpg

    JaydenBirth-022007 142.jpg      

      JaydenBirth-022007 186.jpg

    JaydenBirth-022007 131.jpg

     Thank you for your prayers!!!!

    He is beautiful and so mellow!!